

Let’s be honest, I never really went to college. Sure, I floated around one for a while. At 17, I wrote and directed my first sketch-comedy show, and by 18, I’d managed to pound out my first spec TV episode and screenplay. I knew I wanted to write, but the prospect of four more years before I could get out there? Not so appealing. Then someone suggested this crazy business where they actually paid you for your ideas.

Two amazing kids, an equally amazing wife, and a whole bunch of coming to understand the physics of advertising later, here’s what I know: In one important way, what we do in advertising isn’t so different from the stuff of comedy shows, TV, or screenplays. Or at least it shouldn’t be. Our job as creatives is to make people feel something. If you want to change a mind, start by changing a heart. I hope I’ve changed a few hearts and minds. And I hope to change a lot more. For one, I recently picked up the screenwriting thing again. Never know.

Email: jimamicucci@gmail.com

Phone: 313.622.8512

Experience | In A Nutshell

Creative Director/Writer | Freelance

Telecommunications to hospitality to lifestyle to entertainment to automotive to new biz.


Creative Director/Writer | Doner

Automotive to healthcare, beverage to baby care, entertainment to electronics to new biz. 


VP Creative Director/Writer | Leo Burnett

Automotive to retail to new biz.


VP Creative Director/Writer | Doner

Automotive to electronics, education to telecommunications, leisure to new biz.